
Jargon of the Industry (NYC).

Here’s a list of the most frequently used, let me know if you have more to add.

ADA American Disabilities Act
AoR Architect of Record
CA Construction Administration
CD Construction Documents
CF ……. not printable – what you need to avoid and why you want us on your team
CRAC Computer Room Air Conditioner
CofO Certificate of Occupancy
CO Change Order – everybody wants to avoid these
CSK Construction Sketch – detail sketch issued by the design team during construction.
DD Design Development
DOB Department of Buildings
DSK Design Sketch
Expeditor NYC Specific service to liaise with the DOB
IDF Intermediate Distribution Framework – IT
HVAC Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning
LEED Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design
LOC Letter of Completion – issued by the DOB
MDF Main Distribution Framework – IT
MEP Mechanical Electrical Plumbing -sometimes with SFP: Sprinkler Fire Protection
MER Mechanical Equipment Room – usually for elevator machinery
PA Public Assembly
RFI Request for Information
RFP Request for Proposals
RFQ Request for Qualifications
SD Schematic Design
SF Square Feet – below are the many subcategories:
Net Usable Square Feet
Real Estate Board New York – Usable Square Feet
Rentable Square Feet
Usable Square Feet
SK Sketch
Tin Knocker Metal Ductwork Installer
Sparky Electrician